Universal Telecom Optical Amplifier
Over the standard telecom functionalities such as the fast transients control, BKtel Telecom Optical Amplifier family integrates different innovative options,
The design is insuring of double power limiting safety to increase laser safety.
Optical access between amplification stages or in polarization maintaining configuration.
The design is optimized for the amplification of very low signal powers (-55dBm).
- MSA Telecom EDFA C-Band
- Fixe Gain MSA Telecom EDFA C-Band
- Variable Gain MSA Telecom EDFA C-Band
- Fixe Gain MSA Telecom EDFA L-Band
- MSA Telecom EDFA C-Band PM
- Variable Gain MSA Telecom EDFA L-Band
- MSA Telecom EDFA L-Band PM
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